Getting help : Commonly used terms

Commonly used terms
Throughout Help/Info the following terms will be used as defined below.
Database Terminology
Database: A collection of information organized so that you can quickly select desired pieces of data. You can think of a database as an electronic filing system. ChamberMaster is a database organized into records that contain fields.
Field: A field is a single piece of information such as a phone number or an address.
Record: A record is one complete set of fields. In ChamberMaster / MemberZone, each member has a record.
Member Management Terminology
Business Directory: The searchable list of designated chamber members that can be displayed through a link on the chamber’s own web site and searched by anyone who can access the chamber’s web site.
Chamber: Chamber of Commerce that typically uses ChamberMaster for their member management software
Association – an organization that typically uses MemberZone for their member management software.
Administrator: The person responsible for the administration of the ChamberMaster or MemberZone program. The login name for this individual would have the Administrator permission.
Employee or Staff: The person(s) who uses the database.
Consumer: The person who uses the chamber or association as a resource; sometimes called a client or customer.
Member: The business or person who has a membership with the chamber or association.
Member Info page: A web page that is generated from the member’s record, containing the member’s contact information and other designated information. This page may be available to anyone who can access the chamber or association website.
Members Only web site or Member Information Center: A special members-only portion of the software that is accessible to members with a proper login name and password. It is sometimes called the members portal.