Common Questions

Common Questions
Where do I purchase additional credits?
What is the difference between a shared and custom keyword?
The easiest way to answer that is to show the difference. Let’s say our organization is the Green Acres Business Association. A shared keyword means you get new subscribers by telling them:
Text notify greenacres to 313131 to subscribe
A custom keyword means you would tell subsubscribers:
Text greenacres to 313131 to subscribe
Basically a custom keyword means your prospective subscribers have one less word to remember and enter, which will cut down on mistakes and lead to more subscribers. The difference is subtle but if you are putting it on a billboard, newsletter, etc. then the shorter message typically results in more interests. Especially once you start adding other commands. E.g. "To get notified of special events or discounts please text greenacres to 313131". You can drop the custom keyword at any time and revert to a shared keyword. For example, you could use a custom keyword for a year to build your base of subscribers and then drop it if you don't get many incoming subscription requests.
How do I unsubscribe?
What if I don’t have enough credits?
When someone subscribes, does it matter if they use capital letters or not?
Capitalization does not matter - - incoming subscription texts can be upper or lower case and it will arrive at the appropriate chamber and their group; it is not case-sensitive.
What happens if someone subscribed to a group more than once?
If this happens, it is not detrimental – the subscriber will remain subscribed to the list and will not be duplicated.  The only issue that appears is that the 2nd auto-confirmation text will not specify the group they subscribed to (the 1st one will).