Free mobile app for members

Free mobile app for members
What is the cost for MemberPlus? Is it included in our software edition? Does it cost anything to the members?
There’s no additional cost to your association or your members. The “MemberPlus” app is available in both the itunes and google play stores. It’s designed for your members, much like the ChamberMaster/MemberZone Staff app was designed for you to use. Essentially we wanted to create an easier way for your members to update their personal and company information, register for events, interact with other members, access the Resource center (where you can upload documents and links for all or groups of members), etc…
What other tips do you have for me as I roll this out?
As you roll it out to members, I would suggest adding the direct links to the MemberPlus app download pages in the app store <click here> and google play <click here> so they don’t have to search for it and possibly find a similar sounding app by accident.
It does require that the member have a rep login to access it so you might want to send out an email with their rep logins merged in – just in case they forgot it. Which is exactly why this is so cool, once they download it, they can click the “remember me” option and it’s so much easier to use than going out to a website and trying to remember logins.
One last tip: have your staff and board members download it right away and make some posts in the social feed so as soon as members log in, they already see activity and can “like” or add posts of their own. Perhaps have your staff post a question so that members have something to respond to easily. Sometimes it just takes an easy example to get them started. There’s an icon in the upper right corner of your database called “MIC”. You can click on that to login with staff level access. You’ll be able to add posts and as staff, there’s a delete post option icon next to each post, should you ever need to remove a post that was made in error.