Setup the Application : Member Experience After Online Application Completed

Member Experience After Online Application Completed
Once a user has successfully submitted a new member application through the public modules, they will be redirected to one of several places.
Open-access: the user is able to access all areas of the MIC that their permissions allow. The Prospect permission set is applied to applicants prior to payment. After payment has been made, if a Primary rep was created on the app, Primary permissions will be given. If no Primary rep was created, then member rights are given after payment is successful.
Restricted-access: the user is able to access only the checkout area in the MIC. All other areas are prohibited.
Payment Option: Either ‘Bill Me’ or ‘Credit Card’. The Bill Me option allows for the customer to be invoiced and the credit card option allows the user to immediately make their payment.
NewMemberAppActivateLogins: A customer setting value that is used to determine whether new member applicants are set to disabled by default. When set to false, the new member record is created with the Disable Login flag set; which disables the member’s ability to login (open-access). This customer setting value must be manually set in the database (i.e.: there is currently no UI to control this value) and is set to True by default, for all customers. Contact to have this value changed if needed.
When a user is filling out the new member application form, they must select one of the available payment options. Based on this payment option and the customer’s NewMemberAppActiveLogin value the user is redirected based on the following:
Bill Pay payment option selected and NewMemberAppActiveLogins value is true: The user is redirected to a public module ‘Thank You’ page that contains a continue button or link that immediately logs them into their respective MIC version with open-access (page-flow continues within the .NET or Java MIC, based on their MIC version).
Bill Pay payment option selected and NewMemberAppActiveLogins value is false: The user is redirected to a public module ‘Thank You’ page. No further options are available to the user (page-flow ends).
Credit Card payment option selected and NewMemberAppActiveLogins value is true and MIC version = 1: The user is immediately redirected through a java application login gateway. This gateway logs the user into the Java version of the MIC with open-access, and presents the checkout page for the user to pay for package/enrollment fee(s) (page-flow continues within the Java MIC).
Credit Card payment option selected and NewMemberAppActiveLogins value is true and MIC version > 1: A temporary encrypted token is generated for the user that is valid for 30 seconds after its creation. The user is redirected, along with their encrypted token, to a .NET login gateway. If the encrypted token has expired or is otherwise invalid, the user is then redirected to the login page. The encrypted token contains the username and password of the member login that was created by the submission of the new member application. The user associated with the username/password is logged into the MIC with open-access and redirected to the checkout area (page-flow continues within the .NET MIC).
Credit Card payment option selected and NewMemberAppActiveLogins value is false and MIC version = 1: The user is immediately redirected through a java application login gateway. This gateway logs the user into the java version of the MIC with restricted-access, and presents the checkout page for the user to pay for package/enrollment fee(s) (page-flow continues within the Java MIC).
Credit Card payment option selected and NewMemberAppActiveLogins value is false and MIC version > 1: A temporary encrypted token is generated for the user that is valid for 30 seconds after its creation. The user is redirected, along with their encrypted token, to a .NET login gateway. If the encrypted token has expired or is otherwise invalid, the user is then redirected to the login page. The encrypted token contains the username and password of the member login account that was created through the submission of the new member application. The user associated with the username/password is logged into the MIC with restricted-access and redirected to the checkout area (page-flow continues within the .NET MIC).