Individual Rep Logins : Creating Rep Login/Password : Joined Login Names

Joined Login Names
Prior to February 21, 2014, if a member or staff person had multiple logins, they could be combined (joined) so that one login and password would display a list of all databases where you had credentials. Essentially, this feature allowed you to join multiple accounts of a single individual together.
Joining Login Names removed
Although it was beneficial to a handful of associations that administered multiple databases or for office staff that liked using the same login to access the Member Information Center, it was not as friendly to members of organizations that would receive a message indicating that their login ID was already “in use” even though it wasn’t used within their own database. The confusion outweighed the benefits. And with a new feature allowing office staff to access the Member Information Center from the backoffice using the “impersonate” feature, the need for tying a staff and member login together became less necessary.
What about staff logins previously joined
For those staff members that had this in place prior to Feb 2014, this feature still functions. Logging in at or with a login that is tied to multiple databases or to multiple accounts will display a selection window. See below.
Figure – Example of Green Valley staff person that has a login name that is also tied to a member record for Eastside Chiropractic.
What about member/rep logins previously joined
For any members that may have belonged to multiple databases that had previously joined their accounts together, they will still be able to use those logins but it will not present a list of options. They will instead be logged into one database and the database that is accessed will be determined by the website they are on when they select to login.
For example, a member may have previously joined together their login credentials to both the Green Valley Chamber and the North Shore Chamber. Logging in using a link on the Green Valley Chamber website will log them into the Green Valley Chamber database*. Using the link on the North Shore Chamber website, will log them into the North Shore Chamber database. If this member logs in from (or for our MemberZone customers), then they will be asked for a bit more information to determine which database they would like to access. See figure below.
* This feature uses a referral URL to determine which database that they must be trying to access
Figure – Screen that appears to determine which database a member is attempting to access
Tip and Best Practice: To avoid seeing this screen and get quicker access to the database, members should use the login link that is located on their organization’s website.
Hint: This screen above is trying to match identifying information that is listed under Setup->Organization Information. Members only need to provide enough information to be unique among all databases. For instance, if no other organization has the same zip code in our database, then that is enough. Otherwise, more information must be filled out until it only matches one database.