Member Information Center 4 FAQs : If my member clicks “Read Later” on their Welcome Message, will it ever show for them again? What if I change the message, will it pop back up for them again?

If my member clicks “Read Later” on their Welcome Message, will it ever show for them again? What if I change the message, will it pop back up for them again?
Yes, if you change the Welcome Message, it will show again for all members that log in, even to those who had marked the message as Read Later. This should give you comfort knowing that your members will always be alerted to any up-to-date information whenever you make a change.
Change your Member Information Center welcome message under Setup->Member Login Area Options and Settings.*
*Admin permissions are required.
Note: This feature is controlled by cookies stored with your member’s browser which means each time they delete their browser cookies, the message will also reappear.