Upload and Place a Banner Ad : Non-ChamberMaster/MemberZone Pages Code

Non-ChamberMaster/MemberZone Pages Code
Have your web designer place the JavaScript code found in our web integration knowledge base on the desired pages at the location where the banner ads are desired. See http://v3.green-valley-chamber2.com/integration?page=features#bannerads
For assistance in generating the JavaScript code that is specific to your website and your desired selections, you may also generate a specific widget code for your own site instead of modifying the provided code in the web integration knowledge base.
Generate the banner add widget
Go to the Widgets tab.
Select Sponsor Ads from the Widget Type drop-down menu.
Click Generate.
Iframe Support for Banner Ads:
While the implementation of the Banner Ads using the iframe method isn’t recommended, the Banner Ads do support the use of the iframe tag. There might be some cases where your website or content management system might not support the JavaScript widget, so the use of iframes could be an alternative. This iframe code is available in the web integration knowledge base.