General FAQs : How does Keyword Search determine which businesses to display in the Business Directory?

How does Keyword Search determine which businesses to display in the Business Directory?
A: When a Keyword Search is performed in the Business Directory on your public web site, points are given to the results in the following hierarchical order:
More points are given to exact matches within these areas.  There is a small amount of points given to members that contain the searched word(s) within the above listed areas even if it is part of a larger word (i.e. searching for "car" would list members that had "health care" in their name, keywords, description area or category).  Therefore searching for Car Wash would result in a list that had either word in any part of their name, keyword, description or category. 
However, searching for “Car Wash” with the quotes would result in a list of only those members that had that exact phrase as part of the areas listed above.
All results are then listed in order of the points they scored