Guest List

Guest List
When registration rosters and attendee lists must be tracked, a complete solution for managing participants is provided through the Guest List tab.
Participants may be added using member or representative names in the current database, added as new by a chamber employee, or automatically entered by the participant if online registration is enabled.
In addition, invitations may be sent to prospective attendees, resent to those who have not responded, and continually monitored, sorted, and reported on using the registration status column in the Guest List.
Output from the registration list consists of a roster sheet, mailing labels, name tags, and a printed list. Filter options may be applied to any output, filtered by registration status, payment status, or other self-selected filters. For example, emails may be sent, targeting only those registered or those still not registered, or many other combinations using the available filter options. Downloading this same information to a comma separated value (.csv) file is also available.
Sending invitations to attendees is not required in order to maintain a list of participants. However, if invitations will be sent, it is most helpful to send the invitations before creating the participant list. Instructions for working with these two areas follow: