
eReferral was designed to accomplish two tasks with a single entry - - getting desired member information to a consumer while letting the member know that they’ve been referred.
Pertinent consumer information is entered and then used to generate an email message or printout that includes the selected member(s) contact information in referral format.
Through a separate email message, the member is informed that their business information was passed on to an interested consumer.
Take for example, a consumer that calls and asks for a list of restaurants in your area. You enter their contact information in the eReferral screen. After selecting the Restaurant category members as your designated recipients, you click one button to email the detailed restaurant list with addresses, phone numbers, and web site address to the consumer. Then you click one additional button to send an email to the restaurant members with a message indicating that they have been referred. All these steps are handled under one screen.
Default text and subject lines for these email messages can be customized by your chamber as desired.